New items in the Health Sciences Library this month:
Clarke, C. (c.2009) Neurology: a Queen Square Textbook
Horrocks, C., & Johnson, S. (eds.). (2012) Advances in health psychology: critical approaches.
Laverack, G. (2009) Public health: power, empowerment and professional practice. 2nd ed.
New editions in the Health Sciences Library this month:
Watson, P.G. (c.2012) The sclera and systematic disorders. 3rd ed.
Sines, D. (ed.) (2013) Community and public health nursing.
This title is also available as an ebook
Quick, C.G.R. (2013) Essential surgery: problems, diagnosis and management. 5th ed.
Johnson, L. (2013) Gastrointestinal physiology. 8th ed.
Cameron, A.C., & Widmer, P. (2013) Handbook of pediatric dentistry. 4th ed
McVeigh, E., Homburg, R., & Guillebaud, J. (2013) Oxford handbook of reproductive medicine and family planning. 2nd ed.
Marcus, R., Feldman, D., Dempster, D., Luckey, M., & Cauley, J (eds.) (2013) Osteoporosis. 4th ed.
Hinkle, J.L. (ed.) (2013) Brunner & Suddarth's textbook pf medical-surgical nursing. 13th ed.
Longmore, J.M., Baldwin, A., Wallin, E., Liakos, A & Hill, M. (2014) Oxford handbook of clinical medicine. 9th ed.