It is easy to pass judgment on Jade's lifestyle, her antics have had parents the length and breadth of the country shuddering with disbelief. But, would any of us actually have been all that different if we had been exposed to the social circumstances which dominated Jade's young life?
Jade's hugely public death from cervical cancer has increased health checks amongst young people in our society in a way that most clinicians or politicians can only dream about.
It is indeed good news that Pap smears have risen by 20% since Jade used her case to promote uptake. However, if it is a truism that there is no more powerful therapy than prevention perhaps what we, as a society, might do is to look at the research evidence on aetiological (causation) factors of Jade's ill-health and use this in a non-judgmental way to help the young and vulnerable people in our society.
To retrieve best evidence on the aetiology of disease search Medline and use the term 'risk' in combination with a MeSH search of your disease.
The screenshots below show you how.
For someone who has been dismissed repeatedly as an uncouth, uneducated non-entity Jade Goody has had more influence on the health of the nation in her short lifetime than whole teams of healthcare workers seem able to achieve in their entire careers. Jade Goody: depraved or deprived? But for the grace of God go I ...
Retrieving evidence on the aetiology of disease
1. Connect to Ovid Medline via MUSE-Library-Subject databases-alphabetical list-O-OvidSP-Connect-Medline 1950-2009 (for the full archive)
2. Select Advanced Ovid search to facilitate MeSH searching, enter the condition and click on search. MeSH (thesaurus) searching is recommended because of the increased recall facilitated by the inclusion of all synonyms.