My name is Rachel Mason, I’m part of the Library’s eServices Technologies Team -we work closely with CiCS to ensure that you can access Library eResources
through MUSE, wherever you are in the world, 24/7. Over the last year, in line
with national changes, we’ve been working hard to set up Federated Access
Management (FAM) at the University. From 1 August 2008, this improved service
will be integrated into MUSE and will replace the old Athens system, and the
old Athens protection will be removed from all Library eResources.
So no more Athens, and no need to click on Athens links in order to access
Library eResources! FAM will work in the background to make your eResource
access even more simple - in other words, MUSE will do the hard work, so you
don’t have to! To access eResources from 1 August 2008, simply login to MUSE
with your institutional username & password and connect via the eResources
links on the Library tab in MUSE. (Or access via the eResources A to Z links on
the Library Web pages - you’ll be prompted to login to MUSE as necessary.)
You can find more information about this at: Happy studying - and
remember, from 1 August 2008, at Sheffield, Athens will be a thing of the